From hell to heaven, that's the name of this bike tour between Le Havre and Honfleur.
The bike ride between Honfleur and Le Havre is magnificent, as you pass through the immense port facilities of Le Havre to reach the charming town of Honfleur, one of Normandy's tourist hotspots. One good thing: you're never on the road, you're always on a cycle path. Unfortunately, this idyllic picture is overshadowed when you cross the Pont de Normandie by bike. It's a disaster! The cycle path is only separated from the freeway by a white line on the ground. Emotions guaranteed when you're overtaken by trucks. Recommended only for seasoned cyclists who can make the climb very quickly without risking their lives too much.
Inconnu04/08/2024 13:40:48
Quelle horreur le passage du pont de Normandie à vélo. Les poids lourds passent à 80 km/h à 1 m de vous.