A short walk around the lake in Enghien to discover the casino and the thermal baths.
Enghien-les-Bains is a town located 15 kilometres north of Paris. It is a spa town because in 1766 a priest discovered a source of sulfurous water. One finds thus in Enghien-les-Bains of the thermal baths and its corollary i.e. a casino. The casino is the largest in France and was renovated in 2005.
This walk makes it possible to see the most important places of Enghien-les-Bains i.e. the lake, the casino and the thermal baths. The racecourse is located a little further.
Enghien-les-Bains is easily accessible from Paris by car or by train (the station is very close to the lake). One can find a place for the car in the streets adjacent to the lake.
This walk is short, the tour of the lake is 3,5 kilometers. The problem is that most of the time the shores of the lake are not accessible because of the villas and houses around. You can only see the lake to the north and south, otherwise the walk is through the surrounding streets. A good walk for a Sunday.
Inconnu08/17/2021 18:02:24
very disappointing
Tour du lac sans toilettes ! Les 3/4 sont dans les rues où nous n apercevons pas le lac..belles villas malgré un certain nombre en ruines !!
Inconnu08/08/2019 17:18:13
balade agréable mais déçu par le peu de trajet au bord du lac et le manque de toilettes. Heureusement les villas sont magnifiques