An easy walk in the forest of Fontainebleau

This beautiful walk (le sentier de l'érosion) winds its way through the rocky masses of the Apremont gorges. Departure is from the car park at Les Platières d'Apremont.

The forest of Fontainebleau is one of the most important French forests. The forest covers an area of 25,000 ha, of which 21,600 ha are now administered as state forest.

The forest is immense and the hardest thing is certainly to find the starting point of the walk because then the paths are marked out and it is enough to follow the arrows. Here the departure is located on the crossroads of the Gorges aux Néfliers. The carpark is located on a promontory and allows to have a pretty sight on the forest.

The walk indicated here is the easiest and the shortest from this starting point, there are others longer, just look at the signs on the car park. The walk is easy, but there are a few narrow passages among the rocks.

Interest: ratingvery good (2 users)
Difficulty: difficulty
Duration: 1 h.
Departure point (Google Maps)

The comments

Inconnu08/13/2020 18:56:20 rating very good

c'est clair, bien expliqué, merci

Start of the erosion trail

Start of the erosion trail
You can see the coordinates of the car park on the map; it's big and you can't miss it from the road. There are many signs and directions to follow. Follow the yellow signs.

The forest

The forest
After leaving the car park, we go down some stairs to reach the forest.

The rocks

The rocks
There are a lot of rocks on the course but you won't find many climbers, the boulders must not be suitable for them. The famous climbing rocks of Fontainebleau are not to be found here.

A narrow passage

A narrow passage
It is sometimes necessary to slip between the rocks but nothing difficult at all.

The work of erosion

The work of erosion

Passage between the rocks

Passage between the rocks
The route alternates between greenery and rocks, as is often the case in the forest of Fontainebleau. It is not always easy to find the track.


By going away a little from the course you can have pretty points of view on the forest of Fontainebleau.

View of the course

View of the course
It's really worth the trip if you want to get out of the Parisian greyness and take a breath of fresh air.

The pines

The pines
The pines that are present in the Fontainebleau Forest were planted by man, most of them under Louis-Philippe. This gives a very Mediterranean aspect to the forest.

Passage between the rocks

Passage between the rocks
The path winds between the rocks. You can see the work of erosion.

View of the course

View of the course

Back to the parking lot

Back to the parking lot
The walk can be completed in 1 hour. There are other, longer walks from the same starting point. This is the ideal Sunday morning walk.

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