Sucremont hike in the forest of Fontainebleau.

A short and easy walk in the forest of Fontainebleau.

The most difficult thing for this hike, as for all the others in the Fontainebleau forest, is to find the parking lot that serves as the starting point. Here the hike starts at the Feuillardière parking lot - see map. Then you just have to follow the indications "Promenade de Sucremont", there are many of them on the route, it is not possible to make a mistake. There are other possible hikes from this parking lot.

Interest: ratinggood (1 user)
Difficulty: difficulty
Duration: 1 h.
Departure point (Google Maps)

Start of the hike

Start of the hike
The start is right next to the parking lot. Just follow the signs along the way.

Le chemin

Le chemin

Passage under the aqueduct of the Vanne.

Passage under the aqueduct of the Vanne.
The Vanne aqueduct sends water to Paris. It was completed in 1874, this aqueduct is 173 km long.

The stairs

The stairs
To continue it is necessary to climb some steps.

The way forward

The way forward
Sometimes you have to be careful to find the signs indicating the way to go.

Point of view

Point of view

The hives

The hives
The abundant heather in the area gives an excellent honey.

The return

The return
The Sucremont walk is not the most beautiful walk in the Fontainebleau forest, but it has the advantage of being short and easy (with a bit of an incline anyway). In an hour or two, depending on your pace, you will be back at the parking lot.

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