A visit to the Museum and the Monastery of the Grand Chartreuse located in Isère, 30 km from Grenoble. Attention zone of silence...
The Grande Chartreuse monastery, founded in 1084 by seven men who wanted to escape the hustle and bustle of the world, cannot be visited. The monks, having taken a vow to devote their lives to meditation and contemplation, do not want to be disturbed. To satisfy the curiosity of the visitors a museum was created 2 km from the monastery. In fact there is no real disappointment for the tourist because the museum is located in old monastery buildings that are no longer in use, the visitor during the visit feels well the impression of isolation proper to the monastic life. It is also possible to go to the real monastery located a little further away but staying outside.
For those who want to see the monastery from the top of the mountain, the museum can be the starting point for hikes.
Practical Information (the museum is not open during the bad season).
Inconnu08/30/2019 21:51:05
very disappointing
Bonjour, zone de silence dites vous ? Voitures interdites nous en avons croisées 5, tronçonneuses, cloches à pleines volées, Dommage