Parc de Bercy - Jardin Yitzhak Rabin Paris 12eme

Small walk in the Park of Bercy which continues by the garden Yitzhak Rabin in the 12th district of Paris.

The walk proposes to go through the 3 parts of the park: the "Romantic Garden" where you can find ponds with fishes, the "Parterres" (after the pedestrian bridge) dedicated to the pedagogical work on the plants and "the Prairies" close to the POPB. The park is built on the site of the old wine warehouses, you can see the remains such as paved roads, rails and a cellar.

Interest: ratinggood (1 user)
Difficulty: difficulty
Duration: 1 h.
Departure point (Google Maps)

Start of the walk

Start of the walk
The departure is located Passage Saint Emilion in Bercy village (metro Cour Saint Emilion line 14).

Lake House

Lake House
The park alternates between water and vegetation areas.

Park pond

Park pond
There are some ducks near the water.

View of the park

View of the park
The park is very shady.

Crossing of Joseph Kessel Street

Crossing of Joseph Kessel Street
Use the pedestrian bridges to cross Joseph Kessel street. The park is composed of 2 parts separated by the road.

Main water room

Main water room

French garden

French garden

House of Gardening

House of Gardening
The gardening house offers exhibitions and training on the theme of gardening.

Passage near the vineyards

Passage near the vineyards
You can find a square of vineyards, a vestige of the neighborhood's past. A few years ago, the neighborhood was dedicated to the wine trade.

Passage near the vegetable garden

Passage near the vegetable garden
The vegetable garden is essentially dedicated to the training of the youngest.

Cinémathèque de Paris

Cinémathèque de Paris
The cinematheque offers various exhibitions on cinema.


A staircase with a waterfall allows to join the other bank of the Seine (big library) while passing by the footbridge Simone de Beauvoir. We join the starting point by the street Paul Belmondo.

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At 1.64 Km

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