
The Rigoles du Roi and the Etang de la Tour

A very nice title for a hike in the forest of Rambouillet

The Rigoles du Roi are small canals that were used to supply water to the Château de Versailles in the time of Louis XIV. They were supposed to bring water from the Etang de la Tour to the Etang de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and then to Versailles. Nowadays you can see the aqueduct between Le Perray and Veille-Eglise-en-Yvelines. There are hiking trails in the area but it is better to retrace your steps and make your own route to see the aqueduct and the Etang de la Tour, the only two places of any interest. A nice walk for a Sunday outing.

Interest: disappointing (1 user)
Duration: 3 h.
Practical information

The start

There is a sign on the road indicating "Les Rigoles" in Vieille-Eglise-en-Yvelines. The parking lot is located right next to the aqueduct.

A signpost

As is often the case, hikes are indicated on a signpost but one wonders if the person who designed them has really tested them. It is better to make your own route by going back on your steps.

La Rigole

Sometimes there is no water left in the aqueduct. If you continue the way you can reach Perray-en-Yvelines.

The aqueduct of Vieille-Eglise-en-Yvelines

The aqueduct of Vieille-Eglise-en-Yvelines belonged to the hydraulic network which supplied water to the Château de Versailles

The bridge

The aqueduct becomes underground until the Etang de la Tour. After walking along the aqueduct you can retrace your steps back to the parking lot to get to the Etang de la Tour.

Towards the Etang de la Tour

You can go to the pond by car or walk through the village of Vieille-Eglise-en-Yvelines from the parking lot.

View on the Etang de la Tour

One does not bathe in the Etang de la Tour.

The banks of the Etang de la Tour

You can drive directly to the pond.

The return

One can return to his starting point by making the complete turn of the pond. It is not the most interesting part, one does not go along the bank any more, one walks in the forest on a rectilinear way.

Other walks

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The Maréchaux trail in the Chevreuse Valley

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Walk in the park of Rambouillet

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A walk to the Vaux de Cernay waterfalls

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